Vasudev Shekhar

Hi I'm
Vasudev Shekhar

A Frontend Web Developer with primary focus on React and JavaScript. I love to build new projects just to tickle my brain.

Some of my projects

Technotes App

The backend was built with MongoDB, Express and Node, with authentication being handled by jwt and security with bcrypt. The front end was built with React and React-Redux. Authorization was built using jwt-decode and redux.

Keeper App

Application to keep notes build using ReactJS

Github User Finder

Designed & built a the application for searching github users using customized hooks and github API.

Lets Play with APIs: Breaking Bad

Designed & built a the application using Axios and React-Hooks to display characters of a Sci-fic...

Tip Calculator

It calculates how much tip you should give at a restaurant.

TinDog Website

A tinder Like webpage for dogs. Built using HTML, CSS and Bootstrap